Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Dan G. Teed Title: LEGISLATION OF ETHICS IN THE EARLY YEARS OF THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Abstract: Enforcement action by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the years following its formation and prior to the beginning of World War II created reporting sanctions viewed as symbolic by much of corporate America. That is, powerful chief executive officers of many of America’s giant publicly held corporations believed these sanctions were instituted only to placate a worried investing public and would not be enforced with rigor. These managers, therefore, believed they could either ignore the Securities and Exchange Commission pronouncements or implement them only superficially. I submit the result has been many continual challenges of authority and corporate disregard of ethical behavior throughout the remainder of the 20th century. This paper will explore the history of the early part of the 20th century to determine reasons why these symbolic pronouncements may have been perceived by the Securities and Exchange Commission as a necessity for its continued existence. Classification-JEL: M49 Keywords: Symbolism, Power, Ethics, Fraud, Acquiescence, Conciliation Journal: Review of Business and Finance Studies Pages: 1-10 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/rbfstu/rbfs-v4n2-2013/RBFS-V4N2-2013-1.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:rbfstu:v:4:y:2013:i:2:p:1-10 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Randy Braidfoot Author-Name: Andree C. Swanson Title: EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF FINANCIAL PLANNERS IN MEDIATION Abstract: A commonality of the professions of mediation and financial planning is dealing with the emotional aspects of the client(s). It is surprising then that more formal training on management of the client’s emotions has not been presented by either vocation. The four aspects of self awareness, self management, social awareness, and relationship management make up the components of Emotional Intelligence. This allows an individual to monitor his or her own emotions, the emotions of others, and to use this information to create a positive outcome. The professional Financial Planner who works in Mediation can benefit greatly from the study and mastery of Emotional Intelligence. Classification-JEL: G11, Z00 Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Financial Planners, Mediation, Money Journal: Review of Business and Finance Studies Pages: 11-20 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/rbfstu/rbfs-v4n2-2013/RBFS-V4N2-2013-2.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:rbfstu:v:4:y:2013:i:2:p:11-20 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Mary Beth McCabe Author-Name: Ramon Corona Author-Name: Richard Weaver Title: A STUDY OF SUSTAINABLE BEHAVIORS AMONG CALIFORNIA HISPANICS REGARDING TRANSPORTATION Abstract: Hispanics represent a significant and growing population segment in the United States (56% of all population growth, and California represents the largest percentage of Hispanics (37%). This research concentrated on learning more about Hispanics and their sustainable behaviors regarding transportation, both public and private. By studying Hispanic transportation behaviors, marketers can understand their future needs, supplying the products/services through effective promotional media channels. This project allowed researchers to identify behaviors of Hispanics in California regarding green transportation and the media that influences them. The use and purchase patterns of hybrid vehicles were analyzed, as well as the use of car pools and public transportation, current gas mileage (mpg) and media they prefer. It was found that Hispanics drive hybrids slightly less than non-Hispanics. There is a somewhat higher preference for the next purchased car to be a hybrid for Hispanics than for non-Hispanics. In addition, fewer Hispanics use public transportation or a car pool than non-Hispanics. The researchers believe that the conclusions from this exploratory study will help marketers of transportation services in the public and private sectors. Additional research and discussions on Hispanics and sustainable transportation are expected and welcome after this pilot study. Classification-JEL: M31 Keywords: Sustainable Transportation, Hybrid Vehicles, Hispanic Marketing, Sustainable Behavior, Green Transportation, Marketing Strategies, Shared Transportation, Green Advertising, MPG, Eco-Friendly Journal: Review of Business and Finance Studies Pages: 21-28 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/rbfstu/rbfs-v4n2-2013/RBFS-V4N2-2013-3.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:rbfstu:v:4:y:2013:i:2:p:21-28 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Mario Aguilar Author-Name: Emigdio Archundia Author-Name: Rafael Regalado Title: THE SECURITY CRISIS IN MEXICO AND ITS IMPACT ON BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Abstract: In Mexico, antisocial behavior affects and concerns the population. This behavior has produced a vicious circle involving a high rate of criminality. This, in turn discourages investment, and reduces economic growth, it causes unemployment and increases poverty and economic inequality. Official databases reveal that during the last five years, the number of people murdered by organized criminals has increase to more than sixty thousand. With a population of over 112 million residents, Mexico has 52 million people living in poverty conditions. Seven million young people called ninis (ni estudian, ni trabajan) don’t work or study. Business executives have reduced production levels with the purpose of reducing losses and criminal acts. Companies have closed because of antisocial acts and because of a lack of funds. During 2011 over one hundred and sixty thousand companies shut down in Mexico because of organized crime, according to the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex). Classification-JEL: F52, H56, L25, N6, N86 Keywords: Legal Economic Journal: Review of Business and Finance Studies Pages: 29-47 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/rbfstu/rbfs-v4n2-2013/RBFS-V4N2-2013-4.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:rbfstu:v:4:y:2013:i:2:p:29-47 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Benedict E. DeDominicis Title: LESSONS FROM EASTERN EUROPE POLITICAL TRANSITIONS FOR REUNIFICATION OF THE KOREAN PENINSULA Abstract: The political circumstances of Korean reunification will significantly determine the political environment for future public administration. This paper argues this context will create parameters for governments to implement the exercise of sovereignty over the united Korean peninsula. Pan-Korean nationalism will be exploited as a political mobilization resource for creating the foundations for reintegrating a pan- Korean state and society. A reunited national community will be upon shared historical commonalities. They will serve to mobilize political cooperation after nearly 70 years of separate development under radically opposed political and economic regimes. The North’s vestiges will likely remain in the form of organized crime networks in a post-reunification state. Peace strategists should prepare to respond to the political tendency to manipulate and exploit anti-Japanese symbolic appeals by Korean political entrepreneurs. The latter will do so to mobilize prospective supporters both in North and South Korea. Some relevant comparisons with East European cases of transition from Communism provide insights into what to expect. Classification-JEL: F50 Keywords: Bulgaria, Communism, Crime, Germany, Imperialism, Japan, Korea, Nationalism, Reunification, Stereotype Journal: Review of Business and Finance Studies Pages: 49-62 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/rbfstu/rbfs-v4n2-2013/RBFS-V4N2-2013-5.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:rbfstu:v:4:y:2013:i:2:p:49-62 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Yvan Nezerwe Title: PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS AND STOCK RETURNS IN EGYPT Abstract: This paper examines the relationship between two Presidential elections and Stock returns in Egypt. The available literature showed mixed results on the relationship between Presidential Elections and Stock Returns. The author examined daily data and used an OLS regression. Each Event Window covered 90 days around the Presidential Election. The results showed that both elections had positive impact on the stock returns in Egypt. Classification-JEL: F30, G14, G17 Keywords: Egypt, Event Studies, Presidential Elections Journal: Review of Business and Finance Studies Pages: 63-68 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/rbfstu/rbfs-v4n2-2013/RBFS-V4N2-2013-6.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:rbfstu:v:4:y:2013:i:2:p:63-68 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Victor Oladapo Author-Name: Godwin Onyeaso Title: TRACING THE TRAJECTORY OF INDUSTRY LEADER’S DRUG INNOVATION CAPABILITY: THE AMGEN CORPORATION CASE Abstract: The origin of organizational capabilities remains elusive to strategy managers and scholars. Because of this elusiveness, a scholar has questioned: where [do] capabilities come from [and] what kinds of investment in money, time, and managerial efforts is required in building them [Ethiraj, et al. 2005, Strategic Management Journal, 26, 25-45]. Using the lens of the upper echelon theory, this case provides evidence that Amgen’s President hired stair-scientists who then developed the first drugs that launched Amgen as the global biopharmaceutical industry leader. This way, this case study contributes answers to the questions raised by Ethiraj and colleagues (2005). In sum, this real-world case discussion has practical significance to managers and academics alike. Classification-JEL: M1, M2 Keywords: Upper Echelon, Drug Innovation, Capabilities, Network Capabilities Journal: Review of Business and Finance Studies Pages: 69-77 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/rbfstu/rbfs-v4n2-2013/RBFS-V4N2-2013-7.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:rbfstu:v:4:y:2013:i:2:p:69-77 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Khaled Aljifri Author-Name: Sunil Kumar Khandelwal Title: FINANCIAL CONTRACTS IN CONVENTIONAL AND ISLAMIC FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: AN AGENCY THEORY PERSPECTIVE Abstract: This study examines the differences in the relationships between different stakeholders in conventional and Islamic financial institutions. The accounting and finance literature identifies the major contractual relationships as being those between managers and shareholders (employment contracts) and between shareholders and debt-holders (lending contracts). Both these types of contracts are usually considered to be financial-based contracts, because they rely, among other things, on the firm’s reported earnings. This paper applies agency theory to examine these contractual relationships in the two different financial system. The agency problem can have various forms in Islamic institutions. The agency problem has an additional dimension when managers deviate from the Islamic principles of Shariah. This study is intended to fill a gap which exists in the current literature, relating to the implications of Shariah rules for agency relationships. It also provides an analysis of how agency relationships are different as compared to conventional counterparts and the implications that this has for optimizing the agency relationships by reducing inherent frictions. In this way, this study extends and develops the literature on agency relationships in Islamic finance, thus paving the way for future studies in the direction of corporate governance, contractual relationships, and better disclosure in Islamic financial institutions. The study concludes that Islamic financial institutions have fewer agency problems than their conventional counterparts. Classification-JEL: G2, G3, M4 Keywords: Accounting Contracts, Islamic Finance, Agency Problems, Compensation Schemes, Conventional Finance, Corporate Governance Journal: Review of Business and Finance Studies Pages: 79-88 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/rbfstu/rbfs-v4n2-2013/RBFS-V4N2-2013-8.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:rbfstu:v:4:y:2013:i:2:p:79-88 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Elizabeth Robles Title: A NEW KIND OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN PUERTO RICO: MUJERES AYUDANDO A MADRES Abstract: How can a doula, be the originator of such a creative business that combines a nonprofit organization with three profitable micro businesses and in addition, be a socially responsible organization? Mujeres Ayudando a Madres (women helping mothers) is a Puerto Rican nonprofit organization whose goal is to support women in the childbearing stage and promote a constructive culture based on the physical and psychological health of families. Vanessa Caldari, a midwife and a certified doula (a trained labor support person), created it. The mission of Mujeres Ayudando a Madres is to promote the rights, education and wellbeing of women during their pregnancy. Its integrated hybrid model produces both social value and commercial revenue through a single, unified strategy. The purpose of this case study is to present a nonprofit organization with a social responsibility mission and describe its hybrid model. This model is an alternative for nonprofit organizations to be self-sustainable. During this era of increasing cutbacks government funding, the hybrid model helps organizations to survive and grow. Classification-JEL: M1, M14 Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Hybrid Model, Social Enterprise, Social Responsibility Journal: Review of Business and Finance Studies Pages: 89-96 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/rbfstu/rbfs-v4n2-2013/RBFS-V4N2-2013-9.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:rbfstu:v:4:y:2013:i:2:p:89-96 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Peter Harris Author-Name: William Stahlin Author-Name: Liz Washington Arnold Author-Name: Katherine Kinkela Title: GAAP VS. IFRS TREATMENT OF LEASES AND THE IMPACT ON FINANCIAL RATIOS Abstract: As of January 1, 2011, most of the world financial market economies are using International Reporting Standards (IFRS) as the required framework for financial statements. A non-comprehensive listing includes the European Union Countries, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In the United States, US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) is still required but adoption of IFRS has support of many accounting firms and professional organizations and is under consideration by the SEC. This case study focuses on differences in the treatment of leases and the impact of these differences on financial statements and selected financial ratios. Students take GAAP financial statements and prepare an IFRS based balance sheet and income statement. It is necessary to understand both GAAP and IFRS rules regarding leases to address this case study. This case study is suitable for use at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. It may be used in an Intermediate Accounting II, Accounting Theory, Financial Statement Analysis or an International Accounting class, as well as an Investment Finance course. The case can be offered as an individual case study or as a group project. Classification-JEL: M4, M41, M42, M48, M49 Keywords: US GAAP, IFRS, Capital Lease, Operating Lease, Financing Lease, Ratios. Journal: Review of Business and Finance Studies Pages: 97-106 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/rbfstu/rbfs-v4n2-2013/RBFS-V4N2-2013-10.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:rbfstu:v:4:y:2013:i:2:p:97-106 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Lynda S. Livingston Title: PAC.NW TRAVEL ONLINE Abstract: Michael Powers licensed a series of domain names that he thought would allow him to create a profitable set of online tourism marketing sites. The case asks students to evaluate the feasibility of the business, given Michael’s projections. Given what they find, students are then asked to assess how reasonable are two of his current arrangements with stakeholders. The case allows students to practice fundamental valuation techniques on a cutting-edge business model. It is targeted toward MBA and advanced undergraduate corporate finance courses. Classification-JEL: G10, G11 Keywords: SEO, SEM, Internet Marketing, Private Firm Valuation Journal: Review of Business and Finance Studies Pages: 107-130 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/rbfstu/rbfs-v4n2-2013/RBFS-V4N2-2013-11.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:rbfstu:v:4:y:2013:i:2:p:107-130