Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Manuel Medina Elizondo Author-Name: Francisco Ballina Rios Author-Name: Jose Daniel Barquero Cabrero Author-Name: Víctor Manuel Molina Morejón Author-Name: Liliana Guerrero Ramos Title: STRATEGIC ANALYSIS FOR MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED COMPANIES IN THE MEXICAN STATE OF COAHUILA, ANALISIS ESTRATEGICO PARA EL DESARROLLO DE LA MICRO, PEQUENA Y MEDIANA EMPRESA EN EL ESTADO DE COAHUILA, MEXICO Abstract: This paper analyzes micro, small and medium sized companies in the State of Coahuila Mexico on the basis of their strategies and main competitive factors, their planning indicators and strategic behavior, innovation and technology indicators and their degree of communication and information technology usage. The source of data is a personal interview survey based in a self-applied questionnaire to a sample of 319 micro-small-medium sized companies. The following are some of the most important results: the average age of the manager is 45 years old, and in a quarter of companies the average age is less than 37 years old. Some 35.8% of companies perform formal strategic planning of which 66,5% plan once a year, and 33.5% at longer periods. A defensive strategy is chosen by 31.9% of companies, and the exploratory strategy is applied by 25.8%. The small and medium sized companies give maximum priority to competition based on customer service (4.70), in quality of the product or service (4.54) and their reputation/image (4.58). The least regarded factors are research and development (3.13), personnel formation and training (3.27) ,and the development of new products and services (3.64). More than half of the surveyed companies described their technology position as strong or good, and from a size perspective, the medium sized companies are best positioned as more than 78% of them consider their situation as either strong or good. 42.9% of micro-companies describe their technological position as sustainable-weak. The presence of information technologies in the State of Coahuila is moderate with regard to owing a website and using the internet as a means of marketing. Classification-JEL: M00 Keywords: small and medium sized companies, profile, successful, strategy Journal: Revista Internacional Administracion & Finanzas Pages: 1-19 Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Year: 2011 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v4n3-2011/RIAF-V4N3-2011-1.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:4:y:2011:i:3:p:1-19 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Edith Navarrete Marneou Author-Name: Edgar Sansores Guerrero Title: QUINTANO ROO MEXICO MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED BUSINESS FAILURE: AN MULTI VARIABLE ANALYSIS, EL FRACASO DE LAS MICRO, PEQUENAS Y MEDIANAS EMPRESAS EN QUINTANA ROO, MEXICO: UN ANALISIS MULTIVARIANTE Abstract: The role of small business in the Mexican economy suggests that an understanding of why enterprises fail is important to the stability of the Mexican economy. The purpose of this research is to determinate the factors causes of small business failure in Quintana Roo, México. The result indicates the most important factor is strategic planning. Classification-JEL: G33 Keywords: insolvency failure, bankruptcy, small business, development, factors Journal: Revista Internacional Administracion & Finanzas Pages: 21-33 Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Year: 2011 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v4n3-2011/RIAF-V4N3-2011-2.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:4:y:2011:i:3:p:21-33 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Rosiluz Ceballos Povedano Author-Name: Martha Basurto Origel Author-Name: Abelardo Castillo Galeana Title: COOPERATIVE AND PROFITABILITY: THE CASE OF THE MEXICO CARIBBEAN FISHING COOPERATIVES, RENTABILIDAD COOPERATIVISTA: LA PESCA EN EL CARIBE MEXICANO Abstract: In Mexican Caribbean fishing organizations, few evaluate the efficiency of their production. The reason for poor records is that accounting and financial records are used only for tax and institutional reasons. Existing records are based, primarily, on basic costs to check on public contributions, since the formation of its capital is social and as such contains public participation and partners. Information presented in this document corresponds to the State of Quintana Roo, located in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Profitability measures are presented on the cooperative. Questionnaires, interviews of fishermen and fishery managers are conducted. The purpose is to provide relevant information in decision making within the cooperatives, in the allocation of public resources and improving the use of reservations. Classification-JEL: D24 Keywords: Production, profitability, cost, capital and total factor productivity, capacity. Journal: Revista Internacional Administracion & Finanzas Pages: 35-49 Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Year: 2011 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v4n3-2011/RIAF-V4N3-2011-3.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:4:y:2011:i:3:p:35-49 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Mariza Aguirre Fimbres Title: APPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES IN HOTELS IN THE CITY OF HERMOSILLO, SONORA, MEXICO, GESTION HOTELERA ORIENTADA A LA PROTECCION DEL AMBIENTE Y SU IMPACTO EN LA IMAGEN DE LA EMPRESA: CASO HERMOSILLO, SONORA, MEXICO Abstract: This study was based on the concept of sustainable development and sustainable tourism, as well as the essential elements of sustainable development in the hotel industry. In particular, this paper focuses on the analysis of applied environmental practices in hotels in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Silvia Ayuso's methodology is adopted in this study. Specifically, grounded theory, which provides an interdisciplinary approach that combines quantitative and qualitative methods, is used. The study is divided into three major parts. The first part is theoretical-analytical and seeks to discuss and describe the concept of sustainable tourism and its application in hotel management from an environmental perspective. The second part, practical-analytical analyzes 3, 4 and 5-star hotels in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. A questionnaire is used to analyze the existence of environmental practices in these hotels, Part Three presents the results of the study along with conclusions, limitation and insights for future research. Classification-JEL: M3 Keywords: Hermosillo, sustainable development, sustainable tourism, essential elements of sustainable development and environmental practices Journal: Revista Internacional Administracion & Finanzas Pages: 51-72 Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Year: 2011 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v4n3-2011/RIAF-V4N3-2011-4.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:4:y:2011:i:3:p:51-72 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Eva Judith Lopez Sullivan Title: ATTITUDES TOWARDS MANAGERIAL WOMEN IN PUERTO RICO: THEIR EXPERIENCES IN THE INSIDE CORPORATE WORLD, ACTITUDES HACIA LAS GERENCIALES PUERTORRIQUENAS Y SUS VIVENCIAS AL INTERIOR DE LAS EMPRESAS Abstract: This research studied the relationship between gender, age, education and the attitudes towards managerial women in Puerto Rico. A mixed methodology was utilized. The samples consisted of 564 sub graduated and graduated students, quantitative phase, and 25 managerial women, qualitative phase, who worked in Puerto Rico. Two instruments were used for the quantitative phase: a Scale of Attitudes Toward Women Who Occupied Management Positions (Alvarez, 1994) and a social demographical data sheet. For the qualitative phase, semi structured interviews and another social demographical data sheet were used. The quantitative data was analyzed using ANOVA procedures and t-test. The qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. This is the first research in Puerto Rico which has been done with a mixed methodology studying the attitudes toward managerial women and presenting these women’s experiences in the corporative world. Classification-JEL: M1 Keywords: Management and gender, managerial women, attitudes Journal: Revista Internacional Administracion & Finanzas Pages: 73-87 Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Year: 2011 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v4n3-2011/RIAF-V4N3-2011-5.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:4:y:2011:i:3:p:73-87 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Patricia Acosta Espinoza Author-Name: Lorenia Cantu Ballesteros Author-Name: Ricardo Ernesto Anaya Rosas Author-Name: Maria Guadalupe Sanchez Cuellar Author-Name: Claudia Rojas Vasquez Title: ANALYSIS FO THE SELF-ESTEEM LEVELS FO NATIVE STUDENTS IN AN INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN STATE OF SONORA,ANALISIS DEL NIVEL DE AUTOESTIMA DE ESTUDIANTES INDIGENAS EN UN CENTRO DE EDUCACION SUPERIOR EN EL ESTADO DE SONORA Abstract: This study analyzes the level of self-esteem of freshmen indigenous students in the Centro de Estudios Superiores del Estado de Sonora, Navojoa Academic Unit for the period 2008-2009. The program school educational model Focus on Learning and Skills Student, supported by the Institutional Program Tutorials and Indigenous Student Program, was analyzed. This program promotes positive behavior in students and assists them in the adjusting to college life. The research design was based on a non-experimental cross-section, using the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory and the Social Support Questionnaire, supported on free distribution platform MOODLE. The instrument was applied to 95 students from a universe of 148, who were selected through a non-probability purposive sampling. The main results show that the self-esteem is low before the students take the workshop of social skills and significantly improves by program end. Classification-JEL: I2, I3, M12 Keywords: Education, Welfare Improving, higher education, native students Journal: Revista Internacional Administracion & Finanzas Pages: 89-98 Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Year: 2011 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v4n3-2011/RIAF-V4N3-2011-6.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:4:y:2011:i:3:p:89-98 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Manuel A. Espitia Escuer Author-Name: Lucia I. Garcia Cebrian Author-Name: Antonio Munoz Porcar Title: LAS CARACTERISTICAS DE LAS EMPRESAS COMO FACTORES DETERMINANTES EN SU LOCALIZACION Abstract: Business location or the location of an economic activity has been analyzed extensively. A body of research focuses on the geographic location, an external approach closely related to geographic economics, as a key factor in determining a business location. Another body of research focuses on the business characteristics, an internal approach. This study uses the second body of research to analyze the business characteristics that influence a business on where to establish its operations. The results demonstrate that business characteristics do affect a business location. Classification-JEL: D21, D23, F14, M10, R12 R30 Keywords: Firms location, characteristics of the firms, logit model Journal: Revista Internacional Administracion & Finanzas Pages: 99-111 Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Year: 2011 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v4n3-2011/RIAF-V4N3-2011-7.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:4:y:2011:i:3:p:99-111