Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Juana Patlan-Perez Author-name: Edgar Martinez Torres Author-name: Rosalia Hernandez Hernandez Title: THE IMPACT OF ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE, ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE ON JOB SATISFACTION, EL CLIMA Y LA JUSTICIA ORGANIZACIONAL Y SU EFECTO EN LA SATISFACCION LABORAL Abstract: In this study, we analyze the effect of climate and organizational justice on job satisfaction? We identify significant positive associations between climate, organizational justice and job satisfaction. We Hypothesize that perceptions of a favorable climate and organizational justice is positively related to higher levels of job satisfaction. 307 college professors participate in this study. The results indicate that distributive and procedural justice have significant positive associations with various factors of job satisfaction. On the other hand, interactional justice showed negative associations with job satisfaction. Climate factors such leadership, benefits and rewards, autonomy, unity (cohesion), relationships and peer support have significant differences with job satisfaction Classification-JEL: F16, L2 Keywords: organizational climate, organizational justice, job satisfaction Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 1-19 Volume: 5 Issue: 5 Year: 2012 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v5n5-2012/RIAF-V5N5-2012-1.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:5:y:2012:i:5:p:1-19 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Aurora I. Maynez Guaderrama Author-name: Judith Cavazos Arroyo Author-name: Santiago Ibarreche Suarez Author-name: Jose Pablo Nuno de la Parra Title: TRUST, COMMITMENT AND INTENTION TO SHARE: INFLUENCING VARIABLES TO TRANSFER KNOWLEDGE WITHIN ORGANIZATIONS?, CONFIANZA, COMPROMISO E INTENCION PARA COMPARTIR: ¿VARIABLES INFLUYENTES PARA TRANSFERIR CONOCIMIENTO DENTRO DE LAS ORGANIZACIONES? Abstract: Available evidence shows there is no certain knowledge of the required factors for successful and efficient intra-organizational knowledge transference. In this paper we study, the influence of trust, in skill and affective commitment, on the intention and willingness to share, and the effect of the latter on knowledge transference. The research was conducted using quantitative analysis. Empirical information was analyzed in two stages: first through a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and second using a Covariance Based Structural Equation Model (CBSEM). Results show that: 1) there is a significant, positive, and direct relationship between knowledge transference and intention and willingness to share, 2) trust in skill and affective commitment affect significantly, directly, and positively the intention and willingness to share, and 3) trust in skill and affective commitment influence knowledge, transference within organizations in a significant, positive, and indirect form. Classification-JEL: C38, L29, M10 Keywords: Knowledge Transference, Trust in Skill, Affective Commitment, Intention and Willingness to Share Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 21-40 Volume: 5 Issue: 5 Year: 2012 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v5n5-2012/RIAF-V5N5-2012-2.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:5:y:2012:i:5:p:21-40 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Sergio Manuel Madero Gomez Author-name: Rosa Nelly Trevino Rodriguez Author-name: Jorge Abel Avendano Title: COMPENSATION IN THE MEXICAN FAMILY BUSINESS: COMPONENTS, TECHNICAL TOOLS AND EFFECTIVENESS, COMPENSACIONES EN LA EMPRESA FAMILIAR MEXICANA: SUS COMPONENTES, HERRAMIENTAS DE APOYO Y CRITERIOS DE EFECTIVIDAD Abstract: The issue of compensation in companies is commonly considered a confidential topic. However, it is necessary to know and analyze compensation as a strategic issue, especially in family businesses. This study was conducted by administering a questionnaire to 384 managers of family businesses located in Mexico, with the objective of identifying the components of compensation mix in family businesses. We also examine the use of different effectiveness indicators in the management of compensation. We find that for top family firm managers, the base salary represents 54.98% of their income, variable compensation is 13.55%, benefits are 12.71% and finally the payment of shares or stock options in the company is 11.11%. Classification-JEL: J3, M1, M5 Keywords: Compensation, Family Business, Effectiveness, Human Resource Management, México Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 41-56 Volume: 5 Issue: 5 Year: 2012 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v5n5-2012/RIAF-V5N5-2012-3.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:5:y:2012:i:5:p:41-56 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Blanca Rosa Garcia Rivera Author-name: Karla Gallardo Tizapantzi Author-name: Samuel Ayon Fierro Title: IS OUTOSOURCING A MODEL OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN ORGANIZATIONS?,ES LA SUBCONTRATACIÓN DE PERSONAL COMO MODELO OPERATIVO UNA VENTAJA COMPETITIVA EN LAS ORGANIZACIONES? Abstract: Outsourcing is an increasingly popular strategy in organizations. Given the importance of this phenomenon, research is needed to analyze the factors involved in outsourcing, and the associated benefits. This research analyzes the impact of outsourcing on the flexibility and costs of a group of organizations that outsource their recruitment and payroll services in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. Results show it is common for Mexico companies to hire an external provider of temporary personnel management and payroll. This change in business practice is due to improve process efficiency and reduced costs. We applied the scale Espino and Padron, 2002. Results show highly significant correlations between the variables of Service Quality, flexibility and cost reduction. Classification-JEL: M1, M12 Keywords: outsourcing, competitive advantage, part-time work, core business Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 57-70 Volume: 5 Issue: 5 Year: 2012 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v5n5-2012/RIAF-V5N5-2012-4.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:5:y:2012:i:5:p:57-70 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Ruben Molina Martinez Author-name: Oscar Hugo Pedraza Rendon Author-name: Jorge Luis Alcaraz Vargas Title: MULTINATIONALIZATION OF MEXICAN COMPANIES, LA MULTINACIONALIZACION DE LA EMPRESA MEXICANA Abstract: This study addresses the phenomenon of multi-nationalization of Mexican companies that arises from link that exists between a country’s foreign direct investment, emissions abroad and the country's economic growth measured by GDP. The motivation for the development of this study has been the constant and increasing participation of companies from emerging economies in global markets and their importance in both the local and the hosting economies. We find, in a non-conclusive way, a positive relationship between the national economic growth and the multi-nationalization of Mexican companies. However, the degree of growth of the Mexican economy is not sufficient for companies to achieve an appropriate level of multi-nationalization. Classification-JEL: F21, F23 Keywords: Multinationalization, foreign direct investment, economic growth, gross domestic product Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 71-85 Volume: 5 Issue: 5 Year: 2012 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v5n5-2012/RIAF-V5N5-2012-5.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:5:y:2012:i:5:p:71-85 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Oscar Reyes Sanchez Author-name: Marcela Reyes Pazos Title: HIGHER EDUCATION QUALITY- A STUDENT AND PROFESSION PERCEPTION,PERCEPCION DE LA CALIDAD DEL SERVICIO DE LA EDUCACION UNIVERSITARIA DE ALUMNOS Y PROFESORES Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze underlying dimensions related to greater success in students and profesor perceptions of the university educational service quality. The empirical evidence obtained results in important conclusions for helping design and implement areas for improvement in education strategies. We use the SERVQUAL scale and SERVQUALing techniques. We also used multivariate statistical methods, multiple regression and factor reduction, coupled with evidence of validity and reliability. One of the most important contributions of this research is to analyze the underlying dimensions of students and teachers. This effort supports corporate strategic planning and continuous improvement of educational services. Classification-JEL: 123 Keywords: Quality of service, higher education, servqual Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 87-98 Volume: 5 Issue: 5 Year: 2012 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v5n5-2012/RIAF-V5N5-2012-6.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:5:y:2012:i:5:p:87-98 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Maria Guadalupe Sanchez Cuellar Author-name: Lorenia Cantu Ballesteros Author-name: Claudia Rojas Vasquez Author-name: Josefina Ortega Ruíz Author-name: Luis Josue Valenzuela Meza Title: KNOWLEDGE BASED MODEL TO SUPPORT ACCREDITATION PROGRAM IN HIGHER EDUCATION, SISTEMA BASADO EN CONOCIMIENTO PARA LA GESTION DE INDICADORES ACADEMICOS, EN APOYO A LA ACREDITACION DE LOS PROGRAMAS EDUCATIVOS Abstract: In this study, a knowledge based model is developed. This model provides a set of indicators to measure the level of desertion, failure rate, graduation, internship, research and networking in higher education. The objective is to assist administrator in their strategic planning and in program development. Classification-JEL: A22, A23, I2 Keywords: Accreditation, Higher education, Knowledge Based Model Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 99-120 Volume: 5 Issue: 5 Year: 2012 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v5n5-2012/RIAF-V5N5-2012-7.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:5:y:2012:i:5:p:99-120 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Norma Leticia Vizcarra Vizcarra Author-name: Virginia Guadalupe Lopez Torres Author-name: Dora Rocío Guerrero Munoz Title: COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE IN BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF TIJUANA,LA INTELIGENCIA COMPETITIVA EN LAS EMPRESAS DE LA CIUDAD DE TIJUANA B.C. Abstract: This paper aims to provide information showing the usefulness of Competitive Intelligence by analyzing concepts that describe the application of this development and entrepreneurship. We conducted a qualitative exploratory research, through consultation with various secondary sources of information related to the topic and depth interviews with representatives of centers that perform competitive intelligence in the city of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. The results show the use of Competitive Intelligence in Tijuana emerging companies is not sufficient. Classification-JEL: M31 Keywords: Competitive Intelligence, Business Development, Tijuana BC companies Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 121-129 Volume: 5 Issue: 5 Year: 2012 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v5n5-2012/RIAF-V5N5-2012-8.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:5:y:2012:i:5:p:121-129