Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Eduardo Sandoval Title: EFFECT ON D&S SHAREHOLDERS´ WEALTH AND CHILEAN RETAIL COMPANIES DUE TO THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF PUBLIC OFFERING SHARES ADQUISITION, EFECTO SOBRE LA RIQUEZA DE LOS ACCIONISTAS DE D&S Y EMPRESAS DEL SECTOR RETAIL CHILENO PRODUCTO DEL ANUNCIO DE OFERTA PUBLICA DE ADQUISICION DE SUS ACCIONES Abstract: This article uses event study methodology through Seemingly Unrelated Regressions estimates (SUR), which allows controlling the data clustering phenomenon, in order to assess primarily the effect on D&S stock returns during the takeover announcement of its stocks by Walmart. The empirical results show significant abnormal returns of 32.2% during the announcement days. Thus, the entry of Walmart was reflected in the stock prices, which is associated with higher efficiency through increases in the expected future cash flows of the company. Classification-JEL: G11, G14 Keywords: Takeover, Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR), Clustering Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 1-13 Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/IBF/riafin/riaf-v6n2-2013/RIAF-V6N2-2013-1.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:2:p:1-13 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Carmen Rios Figueroa Title: THE EFFECT OF CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE IN THE PERCEPTION OF AUDITORS: INTERNAL CONTROLS AND FRAUD, EFECTO DEL CONOCIMIENTO CULTURAL EN LA PERCEPCION DE LOS AUDITORES: CONTROLES INTERNOS Y FRAUDE Abstract: This research examines how cultural knowledge of the country in where a company is located affects the perception of auditors in the planning of an audit (internal controls and the risk of fraud). The analysis uses the dimensions of power distance and long-term vision to predict the effects of cultural differences. While globalization has eliminated trade barriers between countries, cultural diversity has emerged as a challenge for those who manage or work in multinational companies that are located in different countries. The results of content analysis and statistical analysis is used (binomial analysis with a Z test) showed that the cultural knowledge of a country can influence the perception of the auditors on the reliability of internal controls and the potential for fraud when planning an audit. Classification-JEL: F23, M40, M42 Keywords: Culture, Internal Control, Fraud, Visitor Auditor, Power Distance, Long -term Vision Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 15-32 Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/IBF/riafin/riaf-v6n2-2013/RIAF-V6N2-2013-2.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:2:p:15-32 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Julia Rivera Moreno Author-name: Maria de los Angeles Camacho Morales Author-name: Teresa Garcia Cuan Author-name: Jorge Hernandez Sandoval Author-name: Gabriela Galindo Cortes Author-name: Jose Alberto Pech Paat Title: ECONOMIC-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE DIAGNOSIS OF ORGANIZATIONS DEDICATED TO THE INDUSTRIAL SHRIMP FISHING IN ALVARADO AND TUXPAN, VERACRUZ,DIAGNOSTICO ECONOMICO-FINANCIERO DEL DESEMPENO DE LAS ORGANIZACIONES QUE SE DEDICAN A LA PESCA INDUSTRIAL DE CAMARON EN ALVARADO Y TUXPAN, VERACRUZ Abstract: This paper provide a financial analysis of shrimp boats in the ports of Alvarado and Tuxpan, Veracruz. We demonstrate the position and financial situation of the shrimp boat organizations and propose a feasible resource management system. When financial statements for Alvarado and by season for Tuxpan are examined over, income is known and costs are classified into stable and variable, to determine the usefulness or loss. We use the flow of projected cash, graph design for interpretation. This study is important, since the harvest is ever more difficult with elevated costs. A relevant result is shown for fuel consumption and expenses during off season. It is immediately necessary to acquire appropriate technology to improve fishing techniques. Classification-JEL: G01, M10, M20 Keywords: Shrimp boats, Financial Statements, Utilities and Decision Takings Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 33-55 Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/IBF/riafin/riaf-v6n2-2013/RIAF-V6N2-2013-3.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:2:p:33-55 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Luis Enrique Ibarra Morales Author-name: Natalia Guadalupe Romero Vivar Author-name: Rosalina Jaime Meuly Author-name: Beatriz Alejandra Hurtado Bringas Title: RESEARCH OF FACTIBILITY FOR THE COMMERCIALIZATION OF THE BLACKBERRY IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETS, ESTUDIO DE FACTIBILIDAD PARA LA COMERCIALIZACION DE ZARZAMORA EN MERCADOS INTERNACIONALES Abstract: Blackberry production has been expanded recently years in different parts of Mexico. Production in Michoacan has reached the highest level, due to favorable weather conditions, soil and water that prevail in the region. There are several states that contribute to the national production of blackberries including Jalisco, Mexico, Colima, Distrito Federal, Querétaro, Nayarit and Guanajuato. Along with Michoacan these areas produced more than 61 thousand tons of blackberry. The Blackberry market is mainly as a fresh product, and industrial use is focused on the preparation of jams, wines, juices and concentrate. Their is high demand for these products in developed countries. This study identifies and determines the macroeconomics of trade, as well as regulations on international trade that influence the sales of Mexican blackberries in international markets. We examine the business opportunities for this high profitabile, versatile fruit for consumption and export potential. Classification-JEL: L11, L17, M11, M21, M31 Keywords: Blackberry, Market, Commerce, Business, Income Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 57-71 Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/IBF/riafin/riaf-v6n2-2013/RIAF-V6N2-2013-4.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:2:p:57-71 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Xochitl A. Arango Morales Author-name: Juan Baldemar Garza Villegas Author-name: Verónica A. Cuevas Perez Author-name: Oswaldo Leyva Cordero Author-name: Manuel Estrada Camargo Title: EXPLORATORY STUDY OF VARIABLES THROUGH THE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS MIC MAC IN THE SERVICE TO USERS IN THE MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AT MONTERREY, MEXICO, ESTUDIO EXPLORATORIO DE VARIABLES A TRAVES DE ANALISIS ESTRUCTURAL MIC MAC EN LA PRESTACION DEL SERVICIO EN LA ADMINISTRACION PUBLICA MUNICIPAL DE MONTERREY, MEXICO Abstract: Attempts to improve deficiencies in public administration transitional economy countries such as Mexico have occurred over a long period. Even though Mexico has advanced administrative concepts (training, modernization and measurement for the service), there remains work do. Matters including conflict of interests, slow procedure, prepotency and deficiencies in facilities are the most frequent complaints by citizens from Monterrey. Based on information provided by the transparency office in Nuevo León, México an exploratory study of variables was conducted. We use the Impact Matrix Cross-Reference Multiplication Applied to a Classification (MIC MAC) technique. The objective was to identify key variables that disturb the system. These areas must be addressed to improve the service to users. Those essential variables identified through MIC MAC keep the system going, so it is relevant to identify them in order to identify actions that reduce the problems. Classification-JEL: D73 Keywords: Municipal Public Administration, Impact Matrix Cross-Reference Multiplication Applied to a Classification (MIC MAC), Civil Service Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 73-88 Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/IBF/riafin/riaf-v6n2-2013/RIAF-V6N2-2013-5.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:2:p:73-88 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Sheila Delhumeau Rivera Author-name: Andrea Spears Kirkand Author-name: Monica Lacavex Berumen Title: INSTRUMENTS OF PARTICIPATORY MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: A PROPOSAL FOR A SYSTEM OF INDICATORS FOR STATE PLANNNING EN BAJA CALIFORNIA,INSTRUMENTOS DE GESTION PARTICIPATIVA EN LA ADMINISTRACION PUBLICA: PROPUESTA DE UN SISTEMA DE INDICADORES PARA LA PLANEACION ESTATAL EN BAJA CALIFORNIA Abstract: Given the modernization of public administration strategies and the heightened emphasis on transparency and accountability in Mexico, systems of control have become necessary tools used to evaluate policies designed to stimulate and facilitate the participation of community-based actors in the process of decision making. Such systems, based on indicators, generate information that allows administrators to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness, as well as the limitations, of participatory management. In this article, we present the results of a study designed to identify user perception of Baja California’s system of participatory management provided through the state Planning Committee for Development. Based on the results and analysis of focus group sessions and questionnaires, we determine that the current process of participatory democratic decision making is ineffective and inefficient. In order to redress the problems, we propose a new system of indicators, which incorporates impact, management, and output factors, to formulate and evaluate participatory management policies. Classification-JEL: Z18, M48 Keywords: Performance Indicators, Public Management, State Planning Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 89-100 Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/IBF/riafin/riaf-v6n2-2013/RIAF-V6N2-2013-6.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:2:p:89-100 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Maria Guadalupe Durazo Bringas Author-name: Bertha Guadalupe Ojeda Garcia Title: VIOLENCE AND DESERTION OF STUDENTS IN HIGHER EDUCATION, VIOLENCIA Y DESERCION DE ESTUDIANTES DE EDUCACION SUPERIOR Abstract: This research analyzes the relation between violence, scholar desertion and academic performance in students of higher education. Violence in and out of their homes, physical or psychological, economical or sexual, impacts in the performance of students. Desertion is one of the most significant consequences. This is a case study that analyzes multidisciplinary factors that affect the school desertion and the relationship that exists between violence and the academic performance of students in higher education. The results are released from two simultaneous investigations, with objects of similar studies between the two works which maintain the central hypothesis that violence is a risk factor for the school desertion rate. Quantitative methodologies were developed, because surveys applied generated indicators and knowledge that allowed the design of a proposal to improve the academic performance of students. This research deepens the understanding of factors that affect school desertion. Classification-JEL: I23 Keywords: Violence, School Dropout, Academic Performance Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 101-117 Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/IBF/riafin/riaf-v6n2-2013/RIAF-V6N2-2013-7.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:2:p:101-117 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Elda Areli Luque Author-name: Luis Ramon Moreno Moreno Author-name: Mayda Gonzalez Espinoza Title: THE PROMOTION OF DOMESTIC TOURISM: THE CASE OF SAN FELIPE, B.C., LA PROMOCION DEL TURISMO DOMESTICO: CASO SAN FELIPE, B.C. Abstract: This article documents tourist activity in the Port of San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico. We analyze the promotion by the private sector, particularly by hotels and restaurants, and government to attract domestic and international tourists in situations of economic slowdown. The local economy is strongly correlated with spending by foreign tourists, particularly from the United States, a trend similar to the rest of the country. Tourism activity is the third source of international receipts. Since 2008, various internal and external events like the growing violence, AH1N1, the economic slowdown, among others, have caused a declination of foreign tourist visits to Mexico, with a consequent fall in the community of San Felipe. This article documents the perception of local service providers about how to encourage tourist arrivals and the role domestic tourism should play. The goal is to diversify demand, and maintain a constant arrival of local consumers. Classification-JEL: L83, M20 Keywords: Domestic Tourism, Promotion, Public Policy, San Felipe Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 119-130 Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/IBF/riafin/riaf-v6n2-2013/RIAF-V6N2-2013-8.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:2:p:119-130