Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Maria Iborra Author-name: Consuelo Dolz Author-name: Angels Dasi Author-name: Vicente Safon Title: ORGANIZATIONAL AMBIDEXTERITY IN SME: STUDY OF ITS EVOLUTION, ANTECEDENTS AND EFFECTS ON FIRM PERFORMANCE, LA AMBIDIESTRIA ORGANIZATIVA EN LAS PEQUENAS Y MEDIANAS EMPRESAS: ESTUDIO DE SU EVOLUCION, ANTECEDENTES Y EFECTOS EN EL DESEMPENO Abstract: Firm survival depends on efficiency and innovation. These capabilities are difficult to achieve simultaneously in times of crisis. In this work, we analyze how firms answer to this dilemma. In a sample of Spanish SMEs we identify two groups: one group that reacts to recent crisis increasing its focus on efficiency and on innovation and the other one in which both decrease. The study demonstrates that corporate strategy and the previous orientation of the firm are antecedents of the different types of reaction. Results show the group with more ambidextrous orientation achieved better sales and profits. Classification-JEL: M1 Keywords: Economic Crisis, SME, Organizational Ambidexterity, Strategy Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 1-13 Volume: 6 Issue: 6 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v6n6-2013/RIAF-V6N6-2013-1.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:6:p:1-13 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Linda Margarita Medina Herrera Author-name: Ernesto Armando Pacheco Velazquez Title: SPECTRAL ANALYSIS AND NETWORKS IN FINANCIAL CORRELATION MATRICES, ANALISIS ESPECTRAL Y REDES EN MATRICES DE CORRELACION FINANCIERA Abstract: This paper uses the theory of random matrices and minimal spanning trees to analyze the correlation matrix C of returns of the top 35 stocks traded on the Mexican Stock Market. The results show the spectrum of the matrix C has a random band structure. The eigenvector components outside this band show significant similarities to the topological measures of the minimum spanning tree. The telecommunications company AMX is the central vertex of the tree and the main component of the largest eigenvector. The tree measures support the conclusion that only two clusters are formed by economic sectors: construction & telecommunications, which have a great influence on other stocks. Classification-JEL: C16, C65, G11, C02, C22, C38, C45, C61, C8, D85 Keywords: Random Matrix Theory, Stock Market Network, Econophysics, Minimum Spanning Tree Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 15-28 Volume: 6 Issue: 6 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v6n6-2013/RIAF-V6N6-2013-2.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:6:p:15-28 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Yaneth Romero Alvarez Title: INTEGRATION OF LATIN AMERICAN STOCK MARKETS: ANALYSIS OF COMMON RISK FACTORS, INTEGRACION DE MERCADOS ACCIONARIOS LATINOAMERICANOS: ANALISIS DE FACTORES DE RIESGO EN COMUN Abstract: This paper analyzes six major Latin American stock markets risk diversification. Historical stock price returns of the 15 most traded stocks of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru were analyzed during the period of January 2008 to February 2012. The process of integration of these countries was measured by correlation analysis using CAPM methodology. Factor analysis and Principal Components Analysis were also used in the analysis. Results showed the diversification decreases as integration of these markets increases. Classification-JEL: G15, C10, C20 Keywords: Factor Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Integration of Capital Markets, CAPM Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 29-38 Volume: 6 Issue: 6 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v6n6-2013/RIAF-V6N6-2013-3.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:6:p:29-38 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Alejandra Lopez Salazar Title: TOWARDS CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF SMALL BUSINESS: CASE MEXICO, HACIA LA RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL DE PEQUENAS EMPRESAS: CASO MEXICO Abstract: The objective of this research is to analyze the reasons why companies adopt the Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) philosophy, the barriers that limit such behavior, and therefore determine the main actions of CSR that are implemented. The study focuses on CSR of 272 SMEs in the city of Celaya- Guanajuato-Mexico. The results show a little less than half of the companies implement activities of CSR focusing primarily on actions related to promote quality of work, the environmental field, and social marketing. Conclusions are generated with respect to the factors that determine the responsible behavior, being social consciousness a significant variable together with the perception of the employer regarding the benefits of CSR. Likewise, significant results were obtained in relation to the barriers of responsible behavior, especially in what refers to financial difficulties. Implications of the study are stated for the researchers, the business sector and the public sector. Classification-JEL: M14, M10 Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Small Business, Developed Countries Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 39-54 Volume: 6 Issue: 6 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v6n6-2013/RIAF-V6N6-2013-4.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:6:p:39-54 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Jorge Hernandez Palomino Author-name: Jose de Jesus Espinoza Author-name: Manuel Aguilar Arellano Title: WORKPLACE CLIMATE: THE INFLUENCE OF SUPERVISION, ORGANIZATIONAL FACTORS, AND EMPLOYEES PREDISPOSITIONS, CLIMA LABORAL: LA INFLUENCIA DE LA SUPERVISION, LOS FACTORES ORGANIZACIONALES Y LA PREDISPOSICION DE LOS EMPLEADOS Abstract: This research analyzes, using a quantitative experimental design, the influence of supervision, organizational factors and the willingness of employees in organizational climate in SME companies in Mexico. To perform the analysis, the General Aggression Model (GAM) of Anderson and Bushman was used. Multiple regression analysis was performed. The results of this study suggest that abusive supervision and a climate of aggression at work have a direct effect on intention to engage in aggression at work compared to supervision and a positive organizational climate not aggressive. This study provides empirical support for the research hypothesis, of how supervisor’s provocations and aggressive signals in the organization have a direct effect on participation in the aggressions. The practical implications of the results are discussed. Classification-JEL: E24, M12, M14, M54 Keywords: Organizational Climate, Supervision, Organizational Factors Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 55-71 Volume: 6 Issue: 6 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v6n6-2013/RIAF-V6N6-2013-5.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:6:p:55-71 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Hector Alfonso Gonzalez Guerra Author-name: Victor Manuel Molina Morejon Author-name: Emilio Padron Cantu Author-name: Jorge Ernesto de la Rosa Garcia Author-name: Jose de Jesus Segovia Cortes Author-name: Ramon Humberto Huitron Cortes Title: INSIGHTS ON ETHICAL BEHAVIOR OF INDIVIDUALS IN MEXICAN ORGANIZATIONS, REFLEXION SOBRE EL COMPORTAMIENTO ETICO DE LOS INDIVIDUOS EN LAS ORGANIZACIONES EN MEXICO Abstract: There is insufficient information about individual’s ethical behavior in Mexican organizations and the drivers that motivate non ethical behavior. The objective of this investigation is to identify the variables that cause such unethical behavior. We found eleven variables of organizational behavior that influence individuals to engage in unethical acts. These variables are: pressure for unrealistic objectives, adverse personal situations, competition for scarce resources, individual´s professional growth, and work pressure. Despite the fact that most companies have Codes of Ethics to encourage an adequate behavior of its stakeholders, we found that none have a prevention program to avoid such unethical behaviors. Classification-JEL: A29, M14 Keywords: Ethics, Management, Behavior, Organizations Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 73-85 Volume: 6 Issue: 6 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v6n6-2013/RIAF-V6N6-2013-6.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:6:p:73-85 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Cecilia Garcia Munoz Aparicio Author-name: Manuela Camacho Gomez Author-name: Maria del Carmen Ancona Alcocer Author-name: Olga Beatriz Sanchez Rosado Title: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE IN THE INDUSTRIAL AND PUBLIC SECTOR: CASE UNIVERSIDAD JUAREZ AUTONOMA DE TABASCO, LA PRACTICA PROFESIONAL EN LA INDUSTRIA Y EL SECTOR PUBLICO: CASO UNIVERSIDAD JUAREZ AUTONOMA DE TABASCO Abstract: The Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco has a long tradition and commitment to the social problems of the environment. This study aims to provide a description of the importance of the links of the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco in Mexico, with the local business sectors and government. These links occur through professional practice and represent an important strategy to support students skill development in the disciplines of the economic areas. These will be reflected on their professional performance. We propose a descriptive nonexperimental design that used secondary sources of information and a technical document review on the topics discussed. This work highlights the importance of the link of the University with the local industry and government to strengthen the students' professional profile. Classification-JEL: I23, M14, I28 Keywords: University, Networking, Professional Practices Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 87-102 Volume: 6 Issue: 6 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v6n6-2013/RIAF-V6N6-2013-7.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:6:p:87-102 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Lino Meraz Ruiz Author-name: Sonia Elizabeth Maldonado Radillo Title: USE OF CONTENT VALIDATION ON SME’S COMPETITIVENESS INSTRUMENTS,VALIDEZ DE CONTENIDO DE UN INSTRUMENTO DE MEDICION DE LA COMPETITIVIDAD DE LAS PYMES VITIVINICOLAS DEL VALLE DE GUADALUPE Abstract: This paper uses the model, proposed by Lawshe (1975) and modified with Tristan (2008), to perform an empirical examination of content validation of an instrument of measurement in competitiveness of small and medium size winery industry at Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California, Mexico. Structured Behavioral Interviews (SBI)were evaluated in a separate form considering all the items that the instrument contains from the evaluations of an 8 expert panels. The scale included 1) Essential, 2) Useful but not essential, and 3) No relevant, with a Content Validity Ratio (CVR) equal or bigger than 0.58. The mayor value of content validation in the items was 1.00 and the minor was 0.13. In summary, the Content Validity Index (CVI) by means of the model, modified by Lawshe, of 0.78 was considered acceptable. Classification-JEL: C52, L10 Keywords: Contents Validitation, Lawshe’s Model, Winery Industry Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 103-114 Volume: 6 Issue: 6 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v6n6-2013/RIAF-V6N6-2013-8.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:6:p:103-114 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-name: Marisa Daniela Goytia Author-name: Silvina Beatriz Marcolini Title: SOYBEANS SOLIDARITY IN ARGENTINA, LA SOLIDARIDAD DE LA SOJA EN ARGENTINA Abstract: Soybean cultivation has become a key factor in Argentina’s economy. The increase in land use for soybeans cultivation, improved technologies, higher demand for soybeans and increased international prices have resulted in soybean becoming an important source of economic growth. However, other agricultural activities have not shown the same level of growth. In this study, we explored soybeans as a solidarity product and analyzed endogenous factors such as financial performance, profitability variables. Classification-JEL: Q11, Q12, Q13 Keywords: Agriculture, Soybeans, Export Duties, International Prices Journal: Revista Internacional Administraction and Finanzas Pages: 115-130 Volume: 6 Issue: 6 Year: 2013 File-URL: http://www.theibfr2.com/RePEc/ibf/riafin/riaf-v6n6-2013/RIAF-V6N6-2013-9.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:ibf:riafin:v:6:y:2013:i:6:p:115-130